Pomona Released Time Christian Education
Contact pomonareleasedtime@yahoo.com or Call us: (909) 702-9955
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About Pomona Released Time
Pomona Released Time began in Pomona in 1992. The state of California Education Code #46014 authorizes Biblical instruction in the public school system. The US Supreme Court ruled in 1952 that "Released Time" programs were legal. Thirty-two states have programs. Parents have a choice to have the Bible classes as an additional learning experience for their students. Enrollment requires parents' written permission and is always free of charge.
Released Time classes in Pomona and Diamond Bar are offered one day a week to fourth grade students during lunchtime. The following schools have Released Time programs:
Alcott Allison Arroyo Barfield Golden Springs Harrison Kingsley Lexington
Lincoln Madison Philadelphia Roosevelt San Jose
Parents may print the enrollment form from this website, fill it out, sign it, and take it to the neighborhood school. The office will save it for us.
Our goals are to present the Bible as a guide for daily living, lead each child into an awareness of God's love, and introduce each child into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.