Pomona Released Time Christian Education
Contact pomonareleasedtime@yahoo.com or Call us: (909) 702-9955
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Pomona Released Time Christian Education needs Volunteers!
We currently have classes at 12 schools in Pomona and Diamond Bar. However, there are 24 elementary schools in the Pomona Unified School District. Our goal is to have Released Time classes at all of the schools.
That's where YOU come in. We need teachers, teacher helpers, and bus drivers. Experienced teachers and drivers partner with new volunteers to give them training on the job. There are training meetings monthly. All of the curriculum is provided for the teachers, so the Bible materials are consistent in all of the Released Time classes.
This ministry is a blessing for all who get involved. If you would like to volunteer with Pomona Released Time Christian Education, please call Sharon (909) 625-3134 or send a message from the Contact Us page. Thank You!!